As the problem of fatal drug overdoses worsened across the U.S., lawmakers and public health officials looked for ways to curb it. They found that too often, people die from overdoses because the people who are with them flee the scene out of fear rather than get...
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Drug Crimes
3 reasons to consider New Jersey drug court
Social awareness of how addiction intersects with criminal activity has forced major changes in how the states handle certain criminal offenses. For example, the creation of New Jersey drug courts – also known as recovery courts – has introduced an invaluable...
How can police tell if someone has been growing marijuana?
In New Jersey, it is now legal to possess marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes. This does not mean it is legal to grow it. In fact, growing a single marijuana plant can result in drug charges that are punishable by up to five years in prison and a $25,000...
New Jersey Drug Courts offer an alternative to traditional court processes
If you are accused of committing a drug crime, then you may be concerned about how your case is going to be handled. One of the benefits of being in New Jersey is that there are drug courts that specialize in handling drug-related cases. The drug court program is...
How can Recovery Court help defendants in drug cases?
Many defendants facing drug charges got into their position only because they are addicts themselves. In fact, it can be very difficult for an addicted person to stay out of the criminal justice system unless they get help for their addiction. In New Jersey,...
Criminal defense may help man facing drug charges
A man in New Jersey was recently accused of committing a drug crime. His arrest took place after authorities reportedly caught him engaging in a drug deal with his toddler daughter in his motor vehicle with him. A strong criminal defense will likely be necessary for...
Could New Jersey’s drug courts work for you?
If you have been arrested and are struggling with addiction to drugs or alcohol, at some point in the adjudication of your criminal case you may be offered a plea deal involving drug court. Should you take it? That's a distinct possibility, depending on a few factors....
Drug charge penalties in New Jersey vary greatly
Drug charges in New Jersey come with some harsh penalties that can be costly. The type of drug and the amount play a role in sentencing. Any prior convictions can also alter what penalties are possible. It's imperative that you understand the consequences that you're...
Criminal defense is critical whether or not weed bill becomes law
Lawmakers in New Jersey recently introduced a new bill designed to reduce punishments for possessing marijuana. Right now, people who possess a relatively small amount of marijuana can be arrested, at which time seeking the help of a criminal defense attorney is...
Criminal defense attorney can help those facing drug charges
Two men in New Jersey recently admitted to playing roles in a ring involving drugs. The ring allegedly peddled heroin, cocaine and crack. However, a strong criminal defense can help individuals in this situation to protect their rights and best interests in...