Getting divorced in New Jersey can understandably be emotionally painful for the spouses involved, but it can also affect the children. This is particularly true during the holidays. However, divorcing parents can take steps to help their children to more easily cope...
Ready To Fight
On Your Behalf
Month: December 2018
Criminal defense: Drug charges filed against New Jersey woman
A routine traffic stop became more serious after police in Hackettstown arrested a woman and accused her of possessing drug paraphernalia. The 18-year-old New Jersey resident is facing a drug charge for this alleged infraction, as well as a traffic charge for failure...
6 important tips when telling your kids you’re splitting up
It's time to break the news to your children: Their parents are getting a divorce. You've decided to end the relationship. No matter how you feel about the split, you know it could be incredibly difficult for them. This change is out of their control. They'll worry...
Strong criminal defense may help man facing murder charge
A man in New Jersey was recently taken into custody for reportedly killing a woman. Specifically, police said he stabbed a woman multiple times. The man now faces a weapons charge and a murder charge. He will likely need a strong criminal defense in light of the...