The short answer to the question above is, probably not. New Jersey has one of the strictest gun laws on the books. Residents of the state might be aware of the provisions of the Graves Act, but many who come to the Jersey Shore for some rest and relaxation might not...
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On Your Behalf

Month: April 2017
Defending a DUI-related felony charge in Atlantic City
Driving under the influence in any state can get you into a lot of trouble. New Jersey is no different, though the legal system here tends to take an approach to enforcement and prosecution that some might call less harsh. For example, the normal DUI charge results in...
Take steps to protect your child from parental kidnapping
Many parents struggle to make the realities of sharing custody with a child's other parent work. The strain of living apart and the desire to have a child to oneself can create great tension, but for some parents, the difficulties move beyond mere inconvenience. For...
Explaining New Jersey visitation rights
The state of New Jersey encourages both parents of a child to be involved the in the child's life as much as possible. This is taken into account when a court determines child custody and visitation rights. Visitation is granted to a parent when the other is awarded...
Police sting results in 16 drug and gun trafficker arrests
Thursday, March 30, 2017 marked the start of a very productive week for local, state and federal law enforcement in and around Atlantic County, New Jersey, as they arrested more than 16 in what they are referring to as a drug and gun trafficking ring. The arrests made...