A man in New Jersey was recently charged with committing a weapon-related crime against his family members while intoxicated back in July. Rather than going to trial to fight this charge, he decided to take a plea deal. Likewise, other people who are accused of...
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On Your Behalf
Month: August 2018
Business assets at stake during company owner’s divorce
During the marital dissolution process in New Jersey, property division can understandably be a major source of conflict between two spouses. This is especially true when a high-value asset, such as a business, is at stake. Here is a look at what business owners can...
Is Drug Court an option for you?
When it comes to criminal drug charges, it often seems like the system is stacked against people who suffer from addiction. New Jersey is one of the states that has recognized this problem and has taken steps to see that people who are facing a conviction will not...
Arrests for gun crimes may lead to prison sentence
A man in New Jersey was recently sentenced to federal prison for engaging in criminal activity involving a weapon. He received a sentence of 7.5 years behind bars. Gun crimes are serious, which is why having a strong criminal defense is expedient for those facing...