Getting divorced in New Jersey can be an emotionally and financially tumultuous time no matter how short or long of a time a couple has been married. However, it can be especially stressful the closer a couple is to retirement. Two particular retirement savings...
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Month: December 2017
Credit score can be affected by divorce process
Going through a marital split-up in New Jersey is never easy no matter how many or few assets a couple has. However, the more assets a couple has -- and the more complex they are -- the greater their chances of running into hurdles during the property division...
Refinancing can be helpful following divorce
Dissolving a marriage in New Jersey can be a tricky process when the marital home is involved. An imprudent decision regarding the family home can unfortunately have financial consequences that last a long time. Refinancing is often a wise decision when dealing with...
Teacher facing drug charges could use strong criminal defense
A high school teacher in New Jersey was recently taken into custody for committing several drug crimes. The man facing drug charges is 24 years old. A strong criminal defense may help to mitigate the effects of such charges on the man in the short and long terms....