A New Jersey woman and her boyfriend may soon face charges of misusing funds raised through the popular website GoFundMe. Although neither has been arrested yet, police recently searched the couple's home and confiscated at least one of their vehicles. They are...
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Month: September 2018
Should you take a plea bargain? Here are the pros and cons
A criminal charge in Atlantic City or other areas can have long lasting and even devastating consequences depending on the nature of the charges. For instance, even a conviction for driving under the influence can lead to jail time, job loss and cost thousands of...
Criminal defense may help man accused of using scissors as weapon
A man in New Jersey was recently taken into custody for reportedly pointing scissors at another man. The man is also accused of refusing to allow the victim to leave a house for over two hours. The arrested man would likely benefit from a strong criminal defense in...
Planning for college savings essential during divorce
Getting divorced in New Jersey can certainly have an impact on the spouses going through it, but it can also affect the children. One aspect of caring for children post divorce that is sometimes neglected during the divorce process is how to pay for their college...
Strong criminal defense may help man facing drug charges
A man in New Jersey was recently accused of having a controlled substance in his possession following a police traffic stop. He therefore now faces drug charges. A strong criminal defense will likely be necessary to help him to combat this charge in the state's...