Fentanyl is a powerful pain medication with a quick onset and short duration. It is said to be 50 times stronger than heroin and is often prescribed by doctors to alleviate pain in cancer patients. Of course, we all know that the drug has migrated from the world of...
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On Your Behalf

Month: September 2017
Thought-out financial moves can make a difference in divorce
The process of getting divorced is generally not an easy one, for both emotional and financial reasons. Even a relatively amicable divorce proceeding can take its toll on the parties involved. A couple of tips may help those navigating this type of family law...
Child custody can be complex emotionally and legally
Coming to terms with a divorce can be both emotionally and financially challenging. However, having children involved in the marital split-up can make matters even more complicated. Child custody remains one of the biggest sticking points during divorce proceedings in...
29 arrested in New Jersey could use strong criminal defense
An increase in shootings throughout multiple towns in New Jersey recently led to a large gang, heroin and cocaine bust. Authorities said the bust dismantled a criminal enterprise in the state. A total of 29 people have been taken into custody and will most likely need...
Violating your probation is easier than you think
If you were accused of a serious crime, you may have plead guilty just to reduce the potential sentence. First time offenders and other select offenders can often receive probation instead of jail, particularly if they have strong ties to the local community and the...
Divorce can be successful by following certain steps
The process of dissolving a marriage in New Jersey can be emotionally and financially unsettling. Unfortunately, sometimes divorce is inevitable. A few tips may help with tackling the issues that often spring up in divorce proceedings, such as asset division and child...